Monday, April 26, 2010


he was walking like a robot , his legs are hardly moving like the weight tons
His pale ,yellow face , the black shades around his eyes are telling you that he did not have enough sleeping last night , you know the convicted guy walking in to the executing room ?
Well this is the best way to describe his steps
He has to do it , he has to go throw the adventure , this is the only way out
He tried to do other things . but it did not work
They all came to an end , and this is all he has
Finally he reached the place he seeked .
Hundreds of people are standing , from all ages waiting for the thing to happened
Some of them are just like him probably the same conditions
You don't need to know the story for every person
Peoples' faces are telling the tail , if you looked in their eyes you can see the whole thing showing like a movie
One thing they all have shared , the challenging look in their eyes
They are all gathered here to win, none of them is going to give it up easy
He slowly lighted a cigarette by a match and waited like everybody else
by the long experience he had he knew that he has about 3-4 munities of waiting before it happens
He took a deep breath from the cigarette then he coughed two or three times,
Some eyes passed him when he coughed but nobody cared at all cause he looks like anybody else he was thinking ,who knows this might be his last cigarette
He started weighting people around him their sizes and ages the also way they talk ,these stuff are very important and that is exactly what you should do before any war ,instead of wasting time in breaking the ice you should study your enemy

That is one of the things he learned from the past – he is not new to this adventure –
The person close to him was very strong , taller than him wearing tight T-shirt
Looks like he used to do weight exercise
He smoothly moved away from him and stood by an old women with a Crutch
You don't need to be beside a muscled guy when the thing is here and the fighting start
A lot of people came after him , they looked angry looking at their watches
Then he spotted the thing coming from away
He throw the cigarette and stepped on it
You cannot do it with a cigarette in your hand- unless you are a professional
He know that he is good and he has the talent , but he is not that good
Knowing your limits is the first thing you should learn to play this game
He changed his position to face the thing
Some people started to notice it now
They all stopped talking to each other and started to prepare themselves to the great event
Every one of them is thinking that he will be the one
The chosen
But only him new that the thing will not accept them all, only the gifted people are going to be accepted
Now the moving monster with his big glowing eyes is being visible to everybody coming closer and closer
And started to make sounds too
Very annoying long repeated sound coming from it while it is approaching
These are the rules , it has to make that sound so you cannot say that you haven't been warned , then you can only blame your self
Now people started the pushing and the kicking and the struggling
But he was shielded by the old women
No matter how bad and rough and cruel you are, you would not kick an old women with a Crutch
Unless you are the devil himself
Now breathing is getting harder
Everybody is trying to expect where should they stand to be visible for the thing ,
Some people felt down from all the pushing and the struggling
Then the screaming started
Mix of screams from all kinds of throats that actually mad some of the people to freeze
Some of them even started to pick up the falling people
They are so naive
Only he knew that if started helping others you will not have the time to help yourself
It might look cruel but it is true
Now the thing is very close you can see the huge metal monster in front of you like a legendary creature looking for the best
He was in the golden spot as usual
The golden spot is –if you don't know- the spot that it could never been ignored,
In the middle of the gathering , where people cannot get to the metal monster without pushing you in first, or they can walk over you –which happens sometimes – but not to him
He knew better than this
you need years of experience to be able to recognize the golden spot before the thing is here
He was in a good position using the old women as a Crutch shield and they are both in the golden spot
It was a very good thing, cause usually only one of the tow mechanisms is more than enough to make him one of the chosen people
He was almost certain that he is going to win in next munities
The scenario in his head was as the following
The woman with the Crutch will pass throw then he is going to be directly after her
Then the most weird thing happened , the women with the Crutch started to lose balance people started to bush her a side , he was being pushed with her
He was calculating everything in seconds ,that was his gift
He realized that he has to do something and it has to be know
Otherwise the shield (the old women) would be cracked, and by bushing the golden spot would not be very golden any more if you know what I mean
At this moment he was thinking very quickly till he thought of something
In a second he was screaming and shouting in the people in a very loud scary voice
That he has trained for it before
(oh my god ,watch it the old women is falling down you criminals )
He said it in a way makes everybody think that the women is his mother or a relative
Some crusty people froze for seconds by his voice , and that was all he needed
Some seconds and some attention to confuse the gathered groups of the people
Which made a very small gap in the crowds he did not get in to it otherwise he would be easily kicked out
But he took the Crutch from the old woman and squeezed her in to the crack
People started to sweep a little and he was actually in . holding the woman and the Crutch like a real good son
The women was amazed but- as he assumed- she did not refuse the help
He is now one of the chosen people
Now squeezed like a fish in a can he thought to himself
That he finally got in to the bus he wanted
After all the struggle he won , he had to use the old women as a shield and as a lame excuse but finally he got what he wanted and he is one of the chosen people who got in to the bus (235)
that another victory to be written in the history of transportation if there was one
While the bus was moving away he looked throw the dirty window at the people outside they are all losers, even the muscles guy did not make it
Who said that it is about being strong ? it is all about smart and flexibility.
He couldn't care less for the woman with the Crutch but that was the only way out
He thought the easy part was over he is going to think how to survive in the work today
Actually this is every day adventure after a while you will get used to it like washing your face or getting addressed
And tomorrow is another day and another adventure to go to work
He might even use the heart attack Technique
But that would be another story.
Signature : 235 rider

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